速報APP / 工具 / Music Note Lookup!

Music Note Lookup!



檔案大小:4 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.1 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Music Note Lookup!(圖1)-速報App

Find that note, easily! Want to know the letter name of a note? Find out where that note is on the piano keyboard? Find out what a piano note looks like displayed on the music staff? You've found the app for that!

This universal app is optimized for both the iPhone and the iPad.

Easily switch key signatures from 4 flats through to 4 sharps by spinning the dial on the left.

Easily toggle between treble and bass clef by tapping the clef symbol.

Letter notation can be set to any of these options:

1) C D E F G A B

Music Note Lookup!(圖2)-速報App

2) C D E F G A H

3) Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si

For feedback or suggestions please contact us at http://visionsencoded.com/contact/ .

For beginners, also try our highly rated app called:

"Notes! - Learn To Read Music."

For intermediate learners, also try our highly rated app called:

"Piano Notes! - Learn To Read Music"

支援平台:iPhone, iPad